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Chapter 2. Methods

2.1. Account

The account object provides methods concerning to your account.

2.1.1. account.addrole

Add a role to an account Input

Table 2.1. Parameters

accountIdId of the account int true 
roleIdId of the role (20000: Standard, 20001: Accounting, 20002: Domain, 20003: Hosting, 20004: DNS, 20005: Authcodes) int true Output

No additional return parameters

2.1.2. account.changepassword

Change current password. Input

Table 2.2. Parameters

usernameCustomers username text64 true 
currentpasswordThrows EPP1200 if provided password doesn't matches current password password true 
passwordCustomers password password true 
testingExecute command in testing mode boolean falsefalse Output

No additional return parameters

2.1.3. account.check

Check whether you have currently a session. Input

No parameters allowed Output

Table 2.3. Parameters

userYour username text64  

2.1.4. account.create

Create a new account. Input

Table 2.4. Parameters

usernameaccounts username username true 
passwordaccounts password password true 
titletitle of the account addressTitle true 
firstnameaccounts firstname text64 true 
lastnameaccounts lastname text64 true 
streetaccounts street text255 true 
pcaccounts post code text10 true 
cityaccounts city text64 true 
ccaccounts country code country true 
emailaccounts email address email true 
orgaccounts organisation/company token0255 false 
voiceaccounts phone number phone false 
faxaccounts fax machine number phoneoptional false 
wwwaccounts website token0255 false 
languageinterface language language false Output

Table 2.5. Parameters

idID of the created account int  

2.1.5. account.delete

Function for a main account to delete subaccounts Input

Table 2.6. Parameters

idsOne or more account id(s) to delete array_int truefalse Output

Table 2.7. Parameters

countDeletedCount of successfully deleted accounts int  

2.1.6. account.getroles

Get roles Input

Table 2.8. Parameters

accountIdId of the account int false Output

Table 2.9. Parameters

rolesList of the roles array  


Get your account details. Input

Table 2.10. Parameters

wideMore detailed output int false Output

Table 2.11. Parameters

accountIdAccount id int  
customerIdCustomer id int  
customerNoYour unique Customer number int  
usernameUsername text64  
titleSalutation title addressTitle  
firstnameCustomers firstname text64  
lastnameCustomers lastname text64  
orgCustomers organisation/company text064  
streetCustomers street text255  
pcCustomers postal code text10  
cityCustomers city text64  
ccCustomers country country  
voiceCustomers phone number phone  
faxCustomers fax number phoneoptional  
wwwCustomers web address token0255  
emailCustomers email address email  
servicePinCustomers service pin int  
crDateCustomers date of account creation dateTime  
secureModeCustomers secure mode boolean  
signPdfsCustomer gets signed pdfs boolean  
summaryInvoiceCustomer gets summary invoice boolean  
mailListIdList of subscribed mail-list-ids array_int Yes
languageCustomers language language  
notificationEmailCustomer gets notification emails boolean  
notificationQueueCustomer uses notification queue boolean  
lowBalanceCustomers low balance notification value float  
renewalReportCustomer gets renewal reports boolean  
paymentTypeCustomers type of payment paymentType  
bankAccHolderCustomers name of bank account holder token255  
bankNameCustomers name of bank token255  
bankCodeCustomers bank code token255  
bankAccHolderNoCustomers bank account number text64  
vatCustomers vat int  
vatNoCustomers company vat number vatNo  
whoisProviderDefault whois provider token255  
whoisUrlDefault whois url token255  
defaultRegistrantDefault registrant contact handle int  
defaultAdminDefault administrative contact handle int  
defaultTechDefault technical contact handle int  
defaultBillingDefault billing contact handle int  
defaultNssetDefault nameserver set int  
defaultWebDefault web nameserver entry token0255 Yes
defaultMailDefault mail nameserver entry text0255 Yes
defaultImportNSImport NS in case of Domain Transfer boolean Yes
defaultRenewalModeDefault domain renewal mode renewalMode  
lastLoginDate of last login dateTime  
loginCountCount of logins int  
rowsPerPageDefault rows per page value int  
tfa2-factor-authentification method tfaMethod  
lastIPCustomers ip address of last access ip  
verificationCustomers data verfication pending flag int  
emailBillingCustomers email address for billing email  
emailAutomatedEmail address for automated emails email  
currencycurrency customercurrency  
isResellerDefines if the customer is a reseller or not boolean_3  
serviceProviderIdThe provider-id of the customer int  
supplimentInvoiceTextSuppliment text to the invoice text0100  
wdrpEmailEmail address for WDRP notifications email  

2.1.8. account.list

Function for a main account to get a list of all their subaccounts Input

No parameters allowed Output

Table 2.12. Parameters

adminIdAdmin account id int  
accountsList of subaccounts array  
... idAccount ID. int  
... usernameAccount username. text64  
... firstnameAccount first name. text64  
... lastnameAccount last name. text64  
... orgAccount organisation/company. text064  
... streetAccount address, street. text255  
... pcAccount postal code. text10  
... cityAccount city. text64  
... ccAccount country code. country  
... voiceAccount phone number. phone  
... faxAccount fax number. phoneoptional  
... emailAccount email address. email  
... tfaEnabled2-factor-authentification status. boolean  

2.1.9. account.login

Log in to API. Input

Table 2.13. Parameters

userYour username text64 true 
passYour password password true 
case-insensitiveCase insensitivity for username boolean falsefalse Output

Table 2.14. Parameters

customerIdCustomers id int  
customerNoYour unique Customer number int  
accountIdCustomers account id int  
tfa2-factor-authentification method tfaMethod  
builddateAPI date of build text64  
versionAPI version int  

2.1.10. account.logout

Log out from API. Input

No parameters allowed Output

No additional return parameters

2.1.11. account.removerole

Remove role of an account Input

Table 2.15. Parameters

accountIdId of the account int true 
roleIdId of the role int true Output

No additional return parameters

2.1.12. account.unlock

Unlock your account Input

Table 2.16. Parameters

tanYour TAN (Transaction number) text10 false Output

No additional return parameters

2.1.13. account.update

Update customers account data. Input

Table 2.17. Parameters

usernameCustomers username username false 
titleCustomers salutation title addressTitle false 
firstnameCustomers firstname text64 false 
lastnameCustomers lastname text64 false 
orgCustomers organisation/company token0255 false 
streetCustomers street text255 false 
pcCustomers postal code text10 false 
cityCustomers city text64 false 
ccCustomers country country false 
voiceCustomers phone number phone false 
faxCustomers fax number phoneoptional false 
wwwCustomers web address token0255 false 
emailCustomers email address email false 
emailAutomatedCustomers automated email address emailoptional false 
emailBillingCustomers email address for billing emailoptional false 
renewalReportEmailCustomers renewal report email address emailoptional false 
servicePinCustomers service pin text64 false 
summaryInvoiceCustomer gets summary invoice boolean false 
mailListIdOne or more mail-list-id(s) array_int false 
languageCustomers language language false 
notificationEmailCustomer get notification emails boolean false 
notificationQueueCustomer uses notification queue boolean false 
renewalReportCustomer gets renewal reports emails boolean false 
lowBalanceCustomers low balance notification value float_signed false 
bankAccHolderCustomers name of bank account holder token255 false 
bankCodeCustomers bank code text64 false 
bankNameCustomers name of bank text64 false 
bankAccHolderNoCustomers bank account number text64 false 
vatNoCustomers company vat number vatNoInternational false 
whoisProviderDefault whois provider token0255 false 
whoisUrlDefault whois url token0255 false 
defaultRegistrantDefault registrant contact handle int false 
defaultAdminDefault admin contact handle int false 
defaultTechDefault tech contact handle int false 
defaultBillingDefault billing contact handle int false 
defaultNssetDefault nameserver set int false 
defaultWebDefault web nameserver entry token0255 false 
defaultMailDefault mail nameserver entry text0255 false 
defaultImportNSImport NS in Case of Domain Transfer boolean false 
defaultRenewalModeDefault domain renewal mode renewalMode false 
supplimentinvoicetextSuppliment text to the invoice text0100 false 
passwordCustomers password password false 
rowsPerPageDefault rows per page value int false 
isResellerIs Customer a reseller? boolean_3 false 
testingExecute command in testing mode boolean falsefalse
nifNIF of a natural person or company (only for customers of InternetworX SLU) text10 false 
idCardYour ID card number (only for natural person with residence in the EU for InternetworX SLU) text64 false 
disablepremiumAre premium domains disabled by the customer? boolean false 
wdrpEmailSpecify the email address for WDRP notifications emailoptional false 
wdrpEmailNameSpecify the sender name for WDRP notifications text0255 false 
errpEmailSpecify the sender email address for ERRP notifications emailoptional false 
errpEmailNameSpecify the sender name for ERRP notifications text0255 false 
foaEmailSpecify the sender email address for FOA notifications emailoptional false 
foaEmailNameSpecify the sender name for FOA notifications text0255 false Output

No additional return parameters